Array Global consulting
Array Global consults with institutions at any phase, level or for any part the educational program including:
Array Global supports institutions in their improvement efforts including the development and evaluation of the following:
Mission and Vision Statements
Institutions Improvement Plan
Data Evaluation
Survey Information
Institutional Climate Information
Curriculum Development
Array Global supports institutions in creating or evaluating the institution's curriculum including the development and evaluation of the following:
Scope and Sequences
Pacing Guides
Lesson Plans
Textbook Adoption
Curriculum Development
Teacher Development
Array Global supports institutions in creating or evaluating the institution's teacher development program including the development and evaluation of the following:
Professional Development Planning
Personnel Evaluations
Daily Walkthrough Observation
Universal Instructional Guidelines/Framework
Personnel Goal Setting
Facilities and Technology
Array Global supports institutions in facility and technology development including the development and evaluation of the following:
Facility Plan
Comprehensive Facility Evaluation
New Facilities Development
Technology Plans
Safety Evaluation
Library Development
Health/Clinic Organization
Human Relations
Array Global supports institutions in all aspects of human relations including the development and evaluation of the following:
Organizational Charts
Employment Applications
Staff Evaluations
Array Global supports institutions in creating or analyzing the institution's organizational documents including the development and evaluation of the following:
Model Policies
Emergency Management Plans
Array Global supports institutions in creating or analyzing the institution's structure including the development and evaluation of the following:
Course Schedules
Graduation Requirements
School Hours
Instructional Hours for Credit
School Guidance and Counseling Program
Health Plan